Saturday, December 02, 2006

Happy (belated) Birthday to Me


I turned 31 on Thursday. 31 isn't any sort of exciting number, I suppose. It just means I'm not 30 anymore, and since I was so terrified of being 30, I guess it should be a good thing.

It was a good day - had an acting gig in the morning so I didn't even have to feel guilty about not subbing. (Granted, it paid $35 instead of $145, but there's a difference in the quality of the experience.) Spent the afternoon wandering the local mall, which I hadn't yet been to, and then coming home and doing the laundry while watching a movie (Serpico, with Al Pacino, if you must know.) Lisa came home and we went out for a nice Italian dinner and then to BW3 to play some NTN trivia. Low key, good time. Aside from the fact that BW3 can't handle a good White Russian (milk? seriously?) or a Marguerita with any kick, I managed to meet all my goals for the night, and then some. And the next morning, I didn't mind missing out on that goal, since I got hit with a cold instead of a hangover. Having both would have really sucked.

I also heard from my mother following a successful knee surgery. I didn't expect to hear so quickly, and was very relieved.

It did get me thinking, though, about birthdays past. Many days slip by us into eternity without so much as a tendril of memory sticking in our brain, but birthdays always lock in there somehow, for me. Lets see how I can do.

30 - New York. Barb was in town for the week. Did a special "Brian's Birthday" Improv show, followed by a party with a handful of friends in my Brooklyn apartment the weekend before the big day. On my actual birthday, went to a Mexican restaurant with Barb, Grace and Matt. Matt paid the mariachi band to play happy birthday for me. Afterwords Barb and I went to see the lights on the Rockefeller tree. Good times.

29 - London. Just visiting this time. Bad trip, Abi and I pretty much ended the relationship, though it took another 7 months before we made that official.

28 - London. Living there. Had a combined birthday/Thanksgiving party where I made traditional Thanksgiving food and foisted it upon my English/Scottish/French friends. Hilarious.

27 - London. First visit. Things with Abi were brand new, London was brand new.

26 - On Tour. The night of my birthday we were in a hotel in a frickin dry county in Kentucky. Laaaame. Got drunk in the hotel on stuff we brought in. Good party the night before, though. Different hotel, different town. Bar at the hotel was the local hangout for the college hotties. Not that that did us any good. Rachel came to visit, but spent the whole time with her fling, Glenn. I hung out with Nick and Arnie, for the most part. Way cool.

25 - Minneapolis. This was my "make up for not drinking on your 21st birthday" party. I don't remember much of the night. We went out to Chino Latino. Matt and Paul got me stinking drunk. I have no clue what all I consumed that night. I ended up making out with an ex-girlfriend on the back stairs of my apartment building. And I drunk-emailed Mel. That's about all I can remember. Oh, and I was really fucking hungover the next morning and missed a concert Brent was playing at Calhoun Square.

24 - Richfield. Dating Kristie. Don't remember much else.

23 - La Crosse. Still married. Still in college. Would have been working on The Actor's Nightmare at Holmen.

22 - La Crosse. Just married. Still in college. Working on MASH at Holmen.

21 - Bloomington. Home visiting for Thanksgiving. Did not drink. What a shame.

I got nothing before that. I was in college, or I was in Bloomington. Probably a lot of hanging out with Matt.

Oh yeah:

0 - This from what I've been told. I was born, 10 days late, on a Sunday afternoon following a good 30 hours of labor. Dad missed a football game. It snowed a lot.

I like that a day like "my birthday" can cause me to look back and see where I was a year, two years, etc, ago, and pinpoint it to a certain extent. Makes me thankful for the friends that have been there along the way, and who continue to be so.

Wonder where I'll be at 32?


Blogger Melinite said...

Hee hee! I probably still have that email, too! :)

Happy belated b-day, dear. Miss you!

6:25 AM  

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