Saturday, December 09, 2006


A whole week without rain.

In Portland.

I don't really know what to say about that, I'm so shocked.

I even managed to get out on the bike twice this week, working at a Middle School that was close enough to the MAX to bike from it. What was even better was that there was a bike lane that ran along the main road, so I didn't have to ride in the traffic (except at the stoplights, where my lane magically disappeared in favor of a turn lane - where exactly am I supposed to go?) This was very nice since the last time I had to ride in the traffic, I was freaked out of my wits by jerkoff drivers who would honk at me or pass to close. Um, why are you honking at me? Do you think I can suddenly put on a burst of speed? "Oh, you want me to go faster? Well hold on, let me just eat some spinach, here..." Do I freaking LOOK like Popeye? Go around me, asshole! That's why there are two lanes!

Substitute teaching in middle schools is something else entirely. I used to really hate it, and maybe I just got a cool class those two days, but I actually had a pretty good time. Sure, there were a couple of kids who got on my nerves (I'm lookin' at you, D*), but other kids were really sweet - and if they like you, they are much more likely to tell/show you that than High Schoolers. Kinda took me by surprise.

It's wierd how a 14 year old kid can kinda make your day by going out of their way to pick up a bunch of pens you accidentally knocked over.

*Man, if any of the students I teach ever find this blog, I'm so screwed.


Blogger Melinite said...

I don't miss the subbing. I do miss my theatre kids. Youth group kids who just want to have fun putting on a musical are NOT THE SAME. Am running back to the "safety" of "professional" theatre. At least then I can drink with my cast. :)

6:43 AM  

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