Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Sore Throat Blues

So....I seem to have ended up with Erin's cold after all. At least that's the indication I'm getting from my respiratory system. Fun.

Rehearsals are going well. We finished blocking/working Act I yesterday and started on Act II this morning. It always kind of astounds me how quickly you can work through things when you aren't being distracted by 200 other committments (though my Portland life is doing it's best to call out to me - various emails from both Northwest Academy and Blue Monkey. But it;s easier to keep them in the background when they are so far away...)

Speaking of being far away, the one thing that I am finding hard about being here is being so far from Erin. After reaching the point where we spent most nights together and saw each other nearly every day, suddenly being deprived of that generous source of love and affection is a shock to the system at the minimum. We are talking each night, and texting, but that's not nearly enough. I've been down the "long-distance" road before, but this is something new. All the others, they all STARTED as long distance. Throwing this in after three months...well. I'll live with it, but I won't like it.

The Obama stuff last night was very exciting. Our cast all gathered in the living room to watch whatever coverage we could find (we missed the speech, and then spent hours trying to track it down in its entirety on line. We couldn't. Information age my ass.) It felt like being a part of history. And I don't mean all the historical blah blah blah about having an african american major party candidate, though that is certainly historical. I mean the historical fact of having a major party candidate that people actually believe in, rather than just accept as a necessary evil. First time in my lifetime, anyway.

Well, I gotta pack up and haul my sore throat back to rehearsal. Thanks for checking in with me today, and I'll try to get these up as often as I can.



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